there is notthing which you can decide from pinging on same machine.. ie sometimes etxternat and sometimes internalk

Well forget all l..
When y ou get a connection from an ISP then you should be given at 3 things..
a. your NODE Ip address
b. subnemt mask (usually 255.2555.255.0) or depends upon ur ISP.
c. DNS servers
So if you you are provided with above settings then in your external NIC put Ip address, dns, and subnet and in gateway give same as your IP.
and if they provide you separate gateway then provide gateway also as given by them.
Now for your LAN
First of all enable routing on your machine which is directly connected to internet ie the one with two NIC.
Now give Ip as you wish..
say I am gving / , leave gateway blank as gateway is already specified on extrnal nic.
Now your clients who are connected to your machine through LAN NIC .. in those specifiy ip as and subnet as and gateway at , and dns as your ISP's dns..
HOpe you will get it solved now !