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Author Topic: Linux Power mangament architechure  (Read 17724 times)

Offline bandaru_sivakrishna

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Linux Power mangament architechure
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:47:55 AM »
Hai All,

I am working on Linux power management on Cortex A-9 dual core micro-controller. I am new to power management. So Can you anybody Please Help me on Linux power management architecture with Hardware level.

Please help me on this.....

Thanks & Regards,
Siva Krishna.  :)

Offline bandaru_sivakrishna

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Re: Linux Power mangament architechure
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 05:35:45 AM »
I am using Samsung-exynos micro-controller...in this controller we have 6 power states they are
1) Normal
2) Idle
3) Deep-Idle
4) Stop
5) Deep-Stop
6) Sleep

But in linux Kenel we have only Four Power states, they are
1) Run
2) StandBy
3) ShutDown
4) Sleep

So my question is How the Linux kernel 4 power states are controlled Samsung-exynos micro-controller 6 power states. How its inter-linked?

Please Help me on this.

Thanks & Regards
Siva Krishna.