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Author Topic: sarg report using username instead of ip address  (Read 11654 times)

Offline anuradhakore

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sarg report using username instead of ip address
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:57:30 AM »
Hi All,
I have configure squid with basic authentication scheme on centos 5.4.I used admuser tool for user administration. My password file path is  /etc/squid/passwd .Also configure chpasswd utility which allows user to change their own password.In sarg.conf file i made entry to refer /etc/squid/passwd file.

But after generating sarg report i found that username not shown only ip address entry found in report. But in access.log file entry with  username and  ip address found.But sarg report don't show username.

Also i observe that in access.log file ip address entry come first and then username so can i change the sequence that username come first and then ip address in access.log file, if so how  to made changes in that.