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Author Topic: Problem using rsync with cron  (Read 9101 times)

Offline ana45

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Problem using rsync with cron
« on: December 14, 2009, 10:00:31 AM »

I've created a cron job for a script with a rsync command in it. The script is named pull.sh and contains the following line :

rsync -avz 7-h2.my00001.cserver.mygrid.asia:/backups/daily/myob /backups/myob >> output.log

What it is supposed to do is pull backup files from the production server of my company to my local server. It should also generate the log file (output.log) to show the result.

The crontab settings is :

45 18 * * *   sh /sbin/pull.sh > /tmp/pulling.log

So by right with the settings above, I should get the backup files in my local servers /backups/myob directory. At the same time, I should also get the results in the output.log.

But the problem is I don't get the results at all.

I have SELinux running in permissive mode. Could this be the reason?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 10:02:08 AM by ana45 »