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Author Topic: suse 10.1 password restrictions  (Read 8056 times)

Offline zrok2z

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suse 10.1 password restrictions
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:46:07 PM »
i (root user of suse 10.1) want to make password restrictions like minLenth should be 8 and must contain 2 alphabets and 2 special and 2 numarical.I went through somany sites and did lot changes .
in /etc/pam.d/passwd

auth include common-auth
account include common-account
password include common-password
session include common-session

these lines are there .
and in /etc/pam.d/common-password

password required pam_cracklib.so retry=2 min=12 difok=-3 dcredit=-2 ocredit=-2 lcredit=-2
password required pam_unix2.so use_authtok nullok md5
password optional pam_smbpass.so nullok use_authtok use_first_pass

i added other lines commented.
but its not working.
what will be possible problem.
and i didn't find the flow of authentication using pam.d to undestand.
i have spents so many hours on net. no proper info on suse 10.1
please help me