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Author Topic: About SquidGuard  (Read 4475 times)

Offline shipoin_97

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About SquidGuard
« on: March 15, 2006, 04:58:11 AM »
Friends ,

I have two pc . One is Linux Enterprise 4 Server and other is WindowsXP . Now I configure the Following things in My Linux server :

1) Squid
My Webserver name is : shipon.example.com , When i write it into a browser it opens a page which i created as "index.html"

Now i want , Nobody can access my webserver page "shipon.example.com" from my Windows Machine .

For this reason i install SquidGuard and Blacklists . In Blacklists i found a lot of folder like Porn,Mail etc . I can't understand in which folder/file , i need to write my webpage address , so that i can't get access from my Windows pc. my squidGuard.conf file is :

dbhome /usr/local/squidGuard/db
logdir /usr/local/squidGuard/logs

dest porn {
domainlist blacklists/porn/domains
urllist blacklists/porn/urls

acl {
default {
pass !porn all
redirect http://localhost/block.html

Plz plz help........

Offline aktiwari4u

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About SquidGuard
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 05:22:18 AM »
there is not as such ristiriction of placing any web page in any catagery u may place your web page in any catagery . but the important thing is that in what ever catagery u have placed your web page that must be activated and should be denied .
so u may place your site mane in any catatory like porn or spam but that must be denyd as well .