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Author Topic: IM - Jabber Server Distribution List  (Read 2830 times)

Offline fedmg

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IM - Jabber Server Distribution List
« on: March 06, 2007, 04:33:45 PM »
I am wondering if anyone has come acrossed a solution for creating a distribution list when setting up a new IM user. I havn't really found any concrete documentation on how to do this.

First, My environment is a VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) that I am getting from a company called Microgone (http://www.microgone.com). The server is as functional as any server I have ever built on my own. I have Postfix with ClamAV running on the server as well. So I know it is not a limitation of the server.

I believe I am missing a configuration step somewhere. Has anyone ran accrossed this?

Once I get that part going I will be able to reduce my administration overhead greatly. This is why I need this feature.

