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Author Topic: how to cat rpm without reflecting changes in its md5 chksum  (Read 3366 times)

Offline ganeshgore81

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how to cat rpm without reflecting changes in its md5 chksum
« on: January 24, 2006, 09:27:49 AM »

i want to write a shell script that will extract rpm from  itself after execution. i did that means in my shell script i have my shell script above and at the end of shell script i have that binary rpm which i want to extract. later but when i extracted that in new file the new file remains rpm but the
md5 checksum is conflicted and i can not install that rpm generated from the script.

BUT i saw one shell script on the net that is

this is the same kind of shell script which will extract the rpm after execution but after the shell script there is binary script which extract the rpm from it means where i use to put binary rpm there he must have put some binary script which extract rpm.
I want to get some clue how he had done that???

when i see when u open rpm file that time the md5 checksum will get currupted and u can not install that rpm again so is there any way for me to do this ...

please help me

thanks and Regards,