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What is LDAP and how to configure ?


I want to know that what is LDAP, I don't have idea what is it. Heard about it a lot.
I am having a LAN for 20 users , having file sharing using samba and also internet sharing.. also few windows terminals are there..  Can LDAP will make something easier for me ? what actually it does ? and if it is for me where to start from ? ie. how to configure !!


LDAP actually is the solution to unmanaged user accounts on a network.

LDAP is a solution where all user accounts, and their informations altogether with their directories are stored in a centralized server which provides integrity.

Yes, it makes ur life easier in long term and reduce headache, but it's not so easy to implement at early stage. Take it slowly though.

For a start, learn SAMBA file sharing together with LDAP. Go to Redhat (www.redhat.com) and download the documentations for an easy configuration. Should ease ur life a lot.


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