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Author Topic: Yahoo Messenger Trouble  (Read 19911 times)

Offline jaishal

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yahoo messanger trouble
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2004, 05:37:30 AM »
Hi, all
i m using redhad 9, there was already a messanger is installed but as if i tryed to open it , it does not reply anything, than i had download a new yahoo messanger. and try to install it, but it shows that "this package is already installed".... what should i do???
can any one help me???? plz

Offline Ricky

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2004, 06:31:06 AM »
it is actually having segmentation fault..  if you try to open it through console then u can see the error mesage.. So just do wht is suggested in earlier post and hope will be able to run messenger. :)

Offline jaishal

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yahoo messanger trouble
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2004, 07:05:43 AM »
Hi, Ricky
Thank u
i had tried to run yahoo messanger from a console

[root@mail /]# ymessenger
Segmentation fault

it shows a message as shown above....wat should i do???
plz reply me....

Offline Ricky

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2004, 07:18:53 AM »
See the post by Manplaysgod :) just above your last post !~!

Offline jaishal

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yahoo messanger problem
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2004, 07:27:46 AM »
Hey, Ricky
i m not able to find .ymessanger folder in my pc ..........where is it?
and ya i have 2 files called "ymessenger" and "ymessenger.local"
in /usr/bin

should i delete this files??? or can u tell me how to uninstall the yahoo messanger so that i can install the newer one.

plz reply me i need the solution...... plz

Offline muhammad_majid

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2004, 01:05:18 PM »
Hey all those guys having this prob I had this problem too but managed to solve it. After i installed "rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm" it ran only once. Every time afterwards i received the message "Segmentation Fault".

I am a KDE user on RedHatLinux9. Also i prefer bash on GUI and always use Konsole to start ymessenger. This is what i did to handle the prob. It worked with me. Try it & it might work with you. :)

1-> uninstall the ymessenger here is the command

    #rpm -e ymessenger

    Incase this command doesn't works for you or you are having
    problem uninstalling it, just delete the "ymessenger" and
    "ymessenger.local" files in /usr/bin and move to step2
    here is the command to do that

    #cd /usr/bin
    #rm ymessenger
    #rm ymessenger.local

2-> Delete the directory "ymessenger" in /opt
    use GUI to do that or Konsole. Here is the command

    #cd /opt
    #rm -r ymessenger

    keep pressing y to acknowledge the delete process

3-> Delete the hidden directory ".ymessenger" located at /root
    use GUI. Simply go to /root and from view check the "show hidden
    files" option. select the directory and del it.

4-> Ok we are done. now install ymessenger again. Move to the
    directory containing the .rpm. Here is the command to install on  

    #rpm -ihv rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm

    if this fails to work try -Uhv instead of -ihv in above command

    #rpm -Uhv rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm

5-> After the installation procedure, just type "ymessenger" and there
    you go. type "ymessenger" any where as the shortcut for it's
    binary file is added in /usr/bin. Just type "ymessenger" whereever
    you are and with a little luck you'll be enjoying chatting with
    you friends. ENJOY !! :))
                                                       Muhammad Majid

Offline jaishal

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2004, 05:05:00 AM »
Thanks,  Muhammad Majid

Thanks a lot ...... I go through tha all steps and all were working nicely ..... but BUT after installation of messenger. it again shows the same error of the    "Segmentation fault" ...............PLZ HELP ME WAT SHOULD I DO???????? HOW CAN I SOLVE THIS  PROBLEM?? AND HOW CAN I START THAT ON THE LINUX (RED HAT 9 ) pc......

Offline jaishal

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2004, 01:29:37 PM »
THANKS A LOT to all of u................AT last i m able to chat wit hmy friends and i m able to start the yahoo messeneger and thanks a lot to all of u..........


Offline tareq

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Re: Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2004, 04:11:59 PM »
Quote from: "neo"
i had downloaded the yahoo messenger and i could log in for the first time
but now if i try to run it, it gives "Segmentation Fault"
How do i tackle the problem?
my Email address is <tareqmridha@gmail.com>

Offline Ricky

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Yahoo Messenger Trouble
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2004, 04:17:27 AM »
tareq. if you think you can help then post solution over here !