Network Troublshooting > General Networking Support in Linux

Connecting CDMA (tata indicom) using serial cable for internet

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I am glad it worked and it was the reason I was asking for the phone model!

By the way, can I have two options in a single "wvdial.conf" ? I mean to say, can I incorporate both Tata Indicom as well as Sancharnet (or NetOne) from Bsnl?

So that I can dial my choice and others can be told to dial BSNL alone?

Ya it is very possible..

Taking your provided file as example :

--- Code: ---[dialer defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT+CRM = 1
ISDN = 0
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Baud = 460800
Flow control = Hardware (CRTSCTS)
Carrier check = no
Dial command = ATDT
SetVolume = 0

[Dialer tata]
Phone = #777
Username = internet
Password = internet

[Dialer Sancharnet]
<fill this place with the features ,
options specific to your normal dialup modem>

--- End code ---

Now whenver you connect then type:

--- Code: ---wvdial sancharnet
--- End code ---
to connect to sancharnet

--- Code: ---wvdial tata
--- End code ---
for tata

and if you do only wvdial then it will take default options in account !

Yeah it's working. Thank you.

I am glad it worked for you !


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