Linux Software > Linux Application

What MySQL client should I use


Hi, recently I migrate from windows to Mandrake 10.0. At this momment I'm trying to find the best free applications to use for my daily jobs.

At this momment I'm trying to find the best solution a visual solution to connect to a mysql server that is not on my computer.
I'm also want to find how can I see avi files under Mandrake . What about divxs..
What should I use for c++ programming ?


hmm.. there are alot in linux . Lots of programming IDE . u can use Ajunta .. i am using these dayz,

MPlayer is best movie player out there..  abt mysql.. there are few gui for it.. but  don't remember names !!

U can use:
1. Webmin
2. DBDesigner 4
3. PHPMyAdmin


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