Network Troublshooting > Linux Servers Support

I cant open the samba server through the GUI

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Are u using vi editor? U use command exit to close the file?

1. Check whether samba service is running or not?

2. Check ur user account have enough privilege to open samba gui. U need an admin privilege to do so. So, u might want to change ur normal user account to do so.

3. If something is not right with ur user account, my suggestion is to delete the user account and recreate a new one. Or u can do the hard way that is:

Login as root, change directory to that particular user's
home directories which have login error. For example
[root@diskless root]# cd /home/leon

At here you will require to delete few hidden directory,
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gconf
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gconfd
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gnome
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gnome_private
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gnome2
[root@diskless leon]# rm -rf .gnome2_private


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