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Programming in C++ : STL problems in Linux


Hi Guys,

I am a new member of this forum.

I am facing some problems while porting my code from VC++ (ver 6) to Kdevelop on Linux.

for the sake of understanding it better here is the dummy of the problem :

--- Code: ---
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

template <typename CName>
class a

template <typename CName>
class b
    vector<a<CName>* > :: iterator c;

int main()
   return 0;

--- End code ---

After compilation the above code returns some warnings.

--- Quote ---
The above code after compilation returns following warnings:

warning : 'typename std:vector<a<CName>*,std::allocator<a<CName>*> >::iterator is implicitly a typename

warning : implicit typename is deprecated, please see the documentation for details

--- End quote ---

I want to remove these warnings as these are giving errors in my code during compilation.

Can any one help me out in this !

Cheers !


Hi Guys,

I got its solution.

I was missing the keyword 'typename'

--- Quote ---
typename  vector<a<CName>* > :: iterator c;

--- End quote ---

Thanks to guys who gave me solution or invested efforts !



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