Network Troublshooting > Linux Servers Support

Problem in implementing clsutering for High Availablity....


I have some issues in clustering.
I have rhel subscription activated in my account but i dont have high
avalablity subscription. T There are packages related to cluster and
cluster storage in the RHEL CD and I have installed all those packages
in the when i try to create a cluster with luci interface
it gives an error i.e, "pacakges of set cluster storage are not
available in repository". now i want to know that do we get all
packages related to clustering only when we purchase entitlement for
High Availablity??what package I m missing as i have install
ed all
packages from cd which were there in cluster storage folder of CD??
when i try to start cman service on the nodes i want to add in
clustering it gives error "usr/sbin/cman_tool ccsd is not running" so
I want to know how to start this service??and is this service is the
real cause of problem???


Go through below link ...its help full.


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