Hardware Troubleshooting in Linux > Linux Video Support

how to play video files in linux


could anyone paste a step ba step info ... how could i play a vedio file on ma linux box .... i got redhat 8.0 gnome desktop

Not completely sure about Redhat 8 but look and see if you have a program called Xine.  That I think is what plays video in Linux.

I'm not sure on the step by step part.  Mine looks a lot like a DVD player though.

Hope that helps.


 :D  :D  :D  :D

Well to play AV file u need to have a AV player.
I prefer mplayer of linux. It is one of the best AV player in LInux. at least of me. (donno about others)

Well if you don't have mplayer then u can get it from

To play a vcd from mplayer do the follwoing command at console..

--- Code: ---mplayer -vcd 1
--- End code ---

To play a dvd
--- Code: ---mplayer -dvd 1
--- End code ---

Also u can play a file. (assume that i have a vdo file in /home/songs/myvdo.mpg)

--- Code: ---mplayer /home/songs/myvdo.mpg
--- End code ---

Mplayer has got a gui version also ... name gmplayer

Also as u understand the use of mplayer u will find that it is best.

download mplayer and also the codecs from its site. then compile it by enabling gui. u can play files from it by giving the command
--- Code: --- mplayer -ao(audio output) <the codec> -vo(video output) <the codec> -fs (full screen)  <filename>
--- End code ---

use the gui gmplayer by giving command
--- Code: --- gmplayer
--- End code ---

Don't forget about video lan

www.videolan.org/  :D


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